Global Games

Global Chess Play

The Sister Cities organization of Winston-Salem has formal partnerships with five cities around the globe and out of this relationship came the Global Chess Partnership. The mayor of Ungheni, Moldova proposed the chess partnership and Shaun Gittard of the Winston-Salem group located Scott Plaster, coach of the Atkins High School Chess Team. When Sharon Glover, contact for the Nassau, Bahamas group heard about the developing partnership, she was eager to join the partnership and has spearheaded the effort ever since. 

We're using this page to promote and track games between our Sister Cities in the US (Atkins High School in Winston-Salem), the Bahamas (Freeport and Nassau), and Moldova (Ungheni). Teams are listed below with links to their groups on to facilitate pairings.

Here are some general guidelines:
  1. Each player should try to have at least one ongoing game with each other team (For example, an Atkins player would play at least one player from the Bahamas and one player from Muldova.). 

  2. Players should navigate to the other team, find a player to play (maybe one close in rating), then select "Challenge." 

  3. Most games should be 3 days to Move and Standard Play, with white/black selected at random. You could start two games with each player, playing one as black and one as white. 

  4. In the spirit of global You could use the Chat feature to introduce yourself and learn about your opponent. 

  5. Feel free to post your thoughts and reactions to your global chess play here on this page!

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