Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ali vs. Andrew Rafs

Ali vs. Walter High

Ali vs. Jens Koeplinger

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Atkins HS Clinches 3rd in State: Coaches Rival on the Sidelines

The local Atkins HS Chess Team coached by teacher Scott Plaster boasts the largest high school chess team in the state. They recently clinched a third-place finish in the state K-12 tournament held in Charlotte the weekend of February 13-15. Read about their finish and a friendly rivalry between coaches in this article in the Camel City Dispatch.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Clever Bishop Sack Wins!

This game between Coach Plaster and Hunter Chen demonstrates the importance of tempo on totally getting your opponent off his game! My fried liver was totally countered with a clever Bishop sack early in the game, which led to an attack that I could not survive:

A Devastating See-Saw!

In this game between Coach Plaster and Daniel Winkelman, the close game gets really exciting on move 17. From there, you will see one of the most devastating "See-Saws" ever!